Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Play The Famous Snake Game On Your Youtube Player

Youtube is the number one video sharing website in the world, with millions of videos and a large number of users.

You all must have played the famous "SNAKE GAME" in your childhood time. So wanna play it again.
Here, Recently I came across a most fascinating trick of a Youtube Player which really amazed me a lot and I loved it too.So here, I wanna share it with you all. Its a trick that would enable you to play the famous "Snake Game" within your video player.

The trick is pretty simple, here is what needs to be done.

1. Start your Youtube Player.
2. Pause? the video at 00:00 time.
3. Press the Left arrow key on your keyboard.
4. Keep holding the Left key and press the Up arrow key.
5. The game would start, so release the keys and start playing Snake.

That's cool.........!! isn't it.....????

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