Monday, January 24, 2011

Linux Step By Step Guide Part 4 - Turn Ubuntu To Windows 7

This tutorial helps you to setup Ubuntu to look like the new Windows 7. Works best with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Versions above and below are untested.
This is a quick hack of the original theme at: If you want an Ubuntu based distribution with this look by default then try: The username is seven and the password is sevenos11.
For a KDE4 theme, click here.
Please check these. They will be needed.
  1. Use the Ubuntu desktop
  2. Enable special 3D desktop effects
  3. Know how to open a terminal
  4. Have administrator privileges
If on-campus, please check your internet setup first.
  1. You use the following script at your own risk!
  2. This script will change the look and feel of your Ubuntu desktop. There is no stable uninstall yet
  3. The Gnomenu program will produce load error messages, just accept the "Yes" or "Ok" and "reload" options. Gnomenu needs some improvement. Please help.
  4. Remember it's not recommended that you run a script without knowing exactly what it does, so I invite you or an Ubuntu expert to look at the code before running it. This is part of what open source software is about, you can check the code security yourself !
Type or copy and paste all of the following in a terminal and then press "Enter" on the keyboard:

cd $HOME

Type or copy and paste all of the following in a terminal and then press "Enter" on the keyboard:


Type or copy and paste all of the following in a terminal and then press "Enter" on the keyboard:

chmod 0755  $HOME/

Type or copy and paste all of the following in a terminal and then press "Enter" on the keyboard:


After the script is finished, a shortcut appears on your desktop. Double click on it and follow the instructions. Thats it !
Firefox themes
Try one of the following:
Extra blur and reflection
Applications Used

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