Wednesday, January 26, 2011

For Better transfer Rate......Have Less Hard Disk Partitions

Speaking of hard disc speed and transfer rates, two hard disks are better than a larger (SATA) one. It is a statistically proven fact that that the seek time is the least in the first partition on your hard disk drive.

When a is partitioned, the first partition i.e the ‘C’ dive has always the best speed as compared to the subsequent drives. There is a fall in transfer rates as we go form C to D to E and so on. Not more than two partitions is a good idea because too many partitions may slow down the average seek time and transfer rates. Throughput in the 2nd partition may have a 50% fall in speed as compared to the 1st.

So try to use two 500 GB Hard Disks instead of a 1TB .

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