Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Google Real Time Search!


is a synonym for constant innovation, pushing forward its search algorithm in order to give users fresh, up-to-date results. So, I shouldn’t be surprised by this new “-thing” called Google Real Time Search.
For those people who don’t have a clue about what I am talking about, you have to know that the new Real Time Search is the fastest search engine ever built. It manages to give you real time results of the keywords you are looking for. It simply means that if you are looking for news about George Bush, not only will return you with the correct results, but it will also display, in real time, those web pages which are published in the very moment you are reading this article, for example.
Let me quote from the Official blog: “First, we’re introducing new features that bring your search results to life with a dynamic stream of real-time content from across the web.
Now, immediately after conducting a search, you can see live updates from people on popular sites like Twitter and FriendFeed, as well as headlines from news and blog posts published just seconds before. When they are relevant, we’ll rank these latest results to show the freshest information right on the search results page.”
Real Time search has now its official home page. If you want to try it, go to: GoogleRealTime and try to perform a search.

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